Get in touch
Pain Free Kauai
4366 Kukui Grove Street
Suite 200
Lihue, HI 96766
Tel: 808-245-0007
Coming from North:
Take Kuhio HWY south
Turn LEFT onto Nawiliwili Rd.
You will pass Macy's on your RIGHT
Turn LEFT at the first stoplight: Haleko Road
Take the first LEFT onto Kukui Grove Street
Pass the 76 gas station (on your right)
Turn onto the first driveway after you pass the 76 gas station
We are the first building : Same as HMSA
You will see Pain Free Kauai on the front of the building
We are on the 2nd floor in suite 200
​Coming from South:
take HWY 50 North
Turn Left on Nawiliwili Rd (stoplight after Macys)
You will pass Macy's on your RIGHT
Turn LEFT at first stoplight: HALEKO RD.
Take the first LEFT onto KUKUI GROVE ST
Pass the 76 gas station
Turn onto first driveway after 76 gas station
We are the first building 4366 Kukui Grove street
You will see Pain Free Kauai on the front of the building
We are located on the 2nd floor in Suite 200 ​